
सोमवार, 9 जुलाई 2012

Historical development as a community Rajpurohit

Current Rajpurohits as a community living in the state of Rajasthan in India. Rajpurohit ancient warrior or ruling of the sub-castes, each with more than 200 are connected. Some of them Raythla, Sevd, Cwandia, Sia, Jagrwal, Udesh, manana, Mutha, Sodha, Rajguru, Rajagur of Rajagar / Rigur Raygr, Paliwal, Gundecha, Sntua, Panclod, Sidp / Udesh औdicya, are Dudwat, Trombkoti Balwasa / Blocha, Ridwa, Aboti, Joshi, diameter, Podharwal, Faँdr, Daviyl, Kevnchha, saffron, Baklia, Makwana Ojha,

      The sub - species individually in each of the Kshatriya clan Rajpurohit (Royal guards / priests) were the descendants of various ancient sage. As a general practice of those times Rajpurohit different tribe associated with the marriage relationship between the families was common place. Desimeted state and is built over time but these Brahmins were woven together in the community Rajpurohit name. Rajpurohit Brahmins as a community / Mediwal the royal guards and a group of priests at a Hindu Kingdom. In the last few centuries, the feudal structure Rajpurohits in Rajasthan from time to time grant of villages known as Jagirs rulers were Inkulketed. As a result, the traditional way of living and customs came closer to the Rajputs.

Rajpurohit community members today and spread the corner of the world. Rajpurohits the leading businesses in agriculture, food and catering, textiles and clothing and cosmetics business. While many of them prestigious jobs and have managed to get professional degrees.

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यदि आपके पास "राजपुरोहित समाज" से जुडी कोई भी जानकारी या राजपुरोहित समाज की धार्मिक, सांस्‍क्रतिक और सामाजिक न्‍यूज या प्रोग्राम की फोटो और विडियो का संकलन हो तो, आप भी हमें मेल द्वारा प्रेषित करें! , उसे हम इस ब्लाग में प्रकाशित करेगे! आपका यह प्रयास "राजपुरोहित समाज" के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण कदम होगा।...सवाई सिंह राजपुरोहित (आगरा) Email: sawaisinghraj007@gmail.com , http://rajpurohitsamaj-s.blogspot.in , Phone: 09286464911,